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metallic pigment中文是什么意思

用"metallic pigment"造句"metallic pigment"怎么读"metallic pigment" in a sentence


  • 金属料
  • 金属颜料


  • We are not only selling the products but fit - for - use in order to broaden the application of metallic pigment products
  • Therefore , as a metallic pigment supplier , we offer a new range of aluminium flake silver dollar type of products using water - milling technology
  • 5 . the relation between wetting property and leafing property was established , the recognization for the metallic pigment leafing property theory was deepened , and the new methods to improve leafing property were put forward . the results provide the new trains of thought for surface treatment of bronze powder
    西安理工大学硕士学位论文( 5 )确定了铜金粉润湿性和漂浮性之间的对应关系,深化了对铜金粉漂浮机理的认识,并提出了具体改善铜金粉漂浮性能的新方法,为国产铜金粉表面处理提供了新的思路。
  • The relative factors on gloss of the metallic pigment were analyzed with glossmeter and sem . through surface modification of bronze powder , the effect of different surfactants on the wetting property and the leafing property of bronze powder were established . the polishing technique of powder was also studied
用"metallic pigment"造句  


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